iWe understand if you have a chronic respiratory problem, 呼吸短促可能是可怕的, 令人沮丧和受限.
When your breathing has changed, your entire lifestyle and well-being may be affected. Pulmonary rehabilitation at Highpoint Health with Ascension Saint Thomas is a program for people with chronic lung conditions like COPD, 肺气肿, 慢性支气管炎. This program is a medically supervised, progressive exercise and education program designed to help you take charge of your breathing. The purpose of the program is to help patients overcome the fear of being short of breath and restore the highest possible functional capacity.
Pulmonary rehabilitation is a service that is designed for individuals with breathing problems and lung disorders such as:
We have a team of experienced healthcare professionals on your side. At Highpoint Health with Ascension Saint Thomas, our pulmonary rehab programs include a team of healthcare providers such as a pulmonologist, 注册呼吸治疗师, 注册护士, 也是运动生理学家, who work together to provide you with the best care possible.
教育, 物理条件, and training take place during one-hour sessions either two or three days a week, 在12-18周的时间内. Our goal is to return you to the highest possible level of independent living.
锻炼 can improve the function of your heart and 肺 while strengthening the muscles that are used for breathing which will help to decrease your shortness of breath. It is common for people who experience shortness of breath to limit their physical activities because they are fearful of becoming more short of breath - but when you are inactive, 你的肌肉力量, 肺, 心脏衰退. 锻炼 is an essential part of pulmonary rehabilitation. Pulmonary rehab helps you pursue activities to the fullest extent of your abilities and helps maintain physical fitness and regain control of your breathing. 运动训练可能包括散步, 静止的自行车, resistance training; breathing training, 放松技巧, and energy conservation for many daily activities is also addressed.
教育 about chronic lung disease and self management of the symptoms that accompany breathing problems for both the patient and their family or caregiver is provided. 教育 may include one-on-one teaching, written materials or group classes. Videos and other visual aids may also be used. Teaching sessions with a healthcare provider are very important and will provide you with information about your specific medications, 治疗和自我管理技能.
营养 and weight management is important for people with chronic lung disease. Shortness of breath and fatigue can interfere with your ability to eat a balanced diet and the amount and type of food can cause increased shortness of breath. The 肺康复ilitation staff can offer practical suggestions for healthy nutrition, 食物的选择和准备.
The 肺康复ilitation Program at Highpoint Health – 萨姆纳 is in operation on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM and is in operation on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 AM to 3:30PM; in order to participate you must obtain a referral from your physician.
Highpoint Health – 萨姆纳 with Ascension Saint Thomas
(615) 328-5096
Highpoint Health – 河景 with Ascension Saint Thomas
电话: 615.735.5183